

字号+作者:南舟 来源:华夏陶瓷网 2016-06-15 12:02 我要评论() 收藏成功收藏本文

2016年6月4日,“GANI IN THE WORLD——大理石瓷砖艺术与设计论坛·迪拜”在世界最高楼迪拜哈利法塔·阿玛尼酒店成功举行。伊斯兰阿扎德大学建筑学博士M

         华夏陶瓷网讯 2016年6月4日,“GANI IN THE WORLD——大理石瓷砖艺术与设计论坛·迪拜”在世界最高楼迪拜哈利法塔·阿玛尼酒店成功举行。伊斯兰阿扎德大学建筑学博士Mahta Teymourian、上海东华大学客座教授陈丁荣、迪拜知名设计公司Design Design执行总裁 HAZEM EL-KHATIB、简一大理石瓷砖董事长李志林、国际营销中心总经理陈梅,以及来自迪拜本地及周边地区的设计师、建筑师、简一迪拜及印度等地合作伙伴等200余人出席了活动。 

  On June 4, 2016, “GANI IN THE WORLD——ART, DESIGN & MARBLE TILES FORUM” was successfully held in Armani Hotel Dubai. Over 200 people attended this event, including: Mahta Teimourian, Doctorate of Architecture in Islamic Azad University; Andy Chen, Adjunct Professor of Shanghai Dong-Hwa University ; Li Zhilin, President of GANI MARBLE TILE; Ms May Chen, General Manager of GANI International Marketing Center,and designers and architects from Dubai and its surrounding areas, and GANI’s partners.


以创新之名 呈现自然之美

Innovation Sparks Natural Beauty



  GANI MARBLE TILES has always been in the pursuit of protecting rare stones worldwide over the years, and for this end, has made a lot of efforts in leading and promoting the application of marbles in high-end decoration. It is committed to revealing the original beauty of natural marbles with the spirit of craftsman and the most advanced technology, and providing high-end marble tiles for people who prefer high-quality life.


  During the event, GANI exhibited high-quality products and fabulous design effects to guests with creative and funny ways such as marble texture clothing design and model performance.




  GANI MARBLE TILES for luxury decoration. The emergence of GANI MARBLE TILES provides another option for luxury decoration in addition to marble.


  Ms May Chen said in the speech, as a forerunner and leader of marble tiles, GANI has been taking product and marketing innovation as its brand strategy. GANI holds the business attitude of “learn from Nature, respect Nature, enjoy the beauty of Nature and take from Nature in a proper way”.


  以匠心之诚 论道大理石瓷砖设计

  To Design Marble Tiles with the Spirit of Craftsman

  简一最先于2009年提出了“MARBLE TILES”的概念,经过这些年的努力,目前简一产品已出口意大利、法国等60多个国家,国际上对于简一出品,无论是在技术、质量、效果,都已非常认可。本次论坛由简一发起,是大理石瓷砖品类第一场真正意义上的国际性的艺术与建筑设计美学交流会。

  Since GANI put forward the concept of “MARBLE TILES” early in 2009, it has exported its products to more than 60 countries (including Italy and France) through years of endeavors. GANI has been greatly recognized in international market whether for its technology, quality or effect. Launched by GANI, this forum is the first international aesthetic exchange in real sense between marble tiles and art and architectural design.


  活动现场,上海东华大学客座教授陈丁荣发表主题演讲,详细介绍“MARBLE TILES(大理石瓷砖)”诞生及发展历程,肯定该品类“尊重自然、极具艺术创造力”,呼吁在场建筑师在建筑设计中进行运用,还原天然大理石自然之美,取之有道。

  During the meeting, Shanghai Dong-hua University Adjunct Professor, Mr. Andy Chen made a heme speech, introducing specifically the MARBLE TILES’ development history. He agreed the concept of the MARBLE TILE because it respects the nature and it’s full of creativity. Mr. Chen appealed all the architects to use the MARBLE TILES to restore the natural beauty of marble, and meanwhile to design in an Eco-oriented and environmental friendly way.


  会上,Mahta Teymourian现场发表《大理石瓷砖艺术之美与设计应用》的主题演讲,为大家分享其17年来在高档别墅和商业工程领域等综合应用设计的经验,以及她对简一大理石瓷砖艺术与设计应用的理念和成功案例。

  At the meeting, Mahta Teimourian delivered a keynote speech titled Beauty of The Art of Mable Tiles and Its Design and Application to share her 17-year experience of designing marble titles and applying them in luxury villas and commercial projects and her ideas and successful examples of the application of the arts and design of GANI MARBLE TILES.


  以视野之高 让世界看到中国创造

  Showing the world products made in China at the highest spot.

  据悉,本次活动是2016年简一公司“GANI IN THE WORLD”全球巡回主题推广的首站,选在世界最高楼——迪拜哈利法塔内的阿玛尼酒店,因为这是全球第一家阿玛尼酒店,堪称世界上最时尚、最高端的所在,而且迪拜80%的常驻人口来自全世界两百多个国家,本身就是个设计文化底蕴深厚,极具包容性、创造性的国际大都市,简一作为一个大理石瓷砖品类的高端品牌,和迪拜的时尚、奢华很切合,同时可以与全球各地著名设计师进行深度交流。

  It is learnt that this event is the first station of GANI IN THE WORLD, a world publicity tour forum carried out by GANI in 2016. Dubai activity is held in the Armani Hotel in the Burj Khalifa. This Armani Hotel is the first Armani hotel in the world which is the most fashionable and high-end place around the world. Furthermore, 80% resident population of Dubai comes from over two hundreds countries throughout the world, making Dubai an inclusive and creative international metropolis rich in design culture. GANI, a high-end brand of marble tiles, perfectly matches with Dubai’s image of fashion and luxury. Besides. Dubai also offers an opportunity to have in-depth communication with world-renowned designers.



  陈梅在活动交流中也提出了打造“国际知名品牌”的梦想与目标,2016年,简一会持续加大国际推广力度,随后“GANI IN THE WORLD”还会去到美国纽约、意大利博洛尼亚等地,让更多的国家和设计师了解大理石瓷砖、了解简一、了解简一的产品、设计、底蕴,我们希望让世界看到中国创造。

  In this event, Ms. May stated GANI’s dream and goal of creating an “international renowned brand”. In 2016, GANI will continue to its presence in the world. So in the coming couple of months GANI IN THE WORLD will go to New York and Bologna, to let more countries and designers knowing about marble tiles, to understand GANI’s products, designs and culture. GANI hopes that the world will see the creation of Made-in-China.


  GANI is invited to the CERSAIE, a top ceramics exhibition in the world. In September 2016, as a forerunner of marble tiles GANI will present the world with more innovative products and more new designs of marble tiles.







