爱力蒙特TREND HUB盛大揭幕,中新设计交流IP首发亮相

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  Ride The Trend towards a New Future!

  2022年4月26日,万众期待的爱力蒙特顶级家居体验馆TREND HUB在中国陶瓷总部盛大揭幕!爱力蒙特首席产品官魏贝赞、新加坡合发利(中国)总经理陈在丰、佛山市陶瓷行业协会秘书长尹虹博士、中国陶瓷总部总经理汤洁明、腾讯家居|贝壳瓷砖频道总裁、设计好物主理人张英梅(YOYO)等一行领导嘉宾,以及爱力蒙特合作伙伴和各大媒体朋友一同见证了这一盛事。

  On April 26, 2022, TREND HUB, the much-anticipated luxury Lifestyle Gallery, was grandly launched in CCIH. Mr. Banson (Element CPO), Island (G.M. of Hafary China), Dr. Yin Hong (Secretary General of Foshan Ceramic Industry Association), Tang Jieming (G.M. of CCIH), YOYO (CEO of Ceramic Channel of Jia360.com and The Presenter of Shejihaowu.com), together with other guests, partners and media were present to celebrate this great event.




  Stay Together On The Way Towards BDD

  Empower Design For A Better Life


  From June 2017 to present which spans 1700+ days and nights, Element, as a joint venture relying on its connection with listed company and its strength given by brand vision, customer recognition, team support and quality-based reputation, grow and expand relentlessly into a dark horse within the ceramic community.



  Mr. Banson, Element CPO delivered a speech

  盛典伊始,爱力蒙特首席产品官魏贝赞代表公司用 6 个感谢,感谢那些陪伴爱力蒙特一同成长,甘苦与共的全体员工以及在他们背后默默付出的家人们、所有服务商以及他们的员工、合作伙伴、股东们和见证爱力蒙特发展的所有朋友,感谢他们的选择与支持,并给予足够的耐心,陪伴爱力蒙特从稚嫩走向成熟。

  Upon the start of launching event, Banson conveyed his sincere gratitude to those who stay together with Element and despite the weal and woe, to all members, all service providers and their employees, partners, shareholders as well as friends for their choice and support, their patience and devotion that contribute to the growth of Element.


  A special thank went to Hafary Sgp who provided strong back-up for the robust expansion of Element.


  At present, Covid-19 pandemic is rampant continuously, with multiple uncertainty and risks intertwined. Why Element increases its investment to build a 10-million-level luxury lifestyle gallery against such background?

  魏总在致辞中表示,爱力蒙特作为中国建陶行业首个设计驱动型品牌的践行者,BDD,是实现爱力蒙特中国品牌梦的必由之路,更是品牌发展的终极目标,而TREND HUB落户在中国陶瓷总部核心C位,便是实现这一目标的一大重要节点。它的完美落地,向社会各界、业内同行展现出品牌强劲的生命力,以及爱力蒙特有信心在中国建陶行业里走出了一条崭新的路——BDD之路。

  Banson told in his speech that Element, as the first to celebrate BDD in Chinese ceramic industry, represents a way to make Chinese brand stronger and the ultimate goal of brand development. Trend Hub, located in the pivotal location in CCIH, is just an evidence for fulfilling this objective. Trend Hub's complete launch demonstrates its strong brand vivacity for all sectors across the society and all counterparts in ceramic community. It's a signal of Element' s confidence to embark on a new journey towards BDD.


  TREND HUB,翻译过来叫“趋势中心”,是独属于爱力蒙特的“潮窝”。展厅的布局和设计与品牌的终极目标——设计驱动型品牌的核心相呼应,同时,围绕“以用户体验为中心”进行整体设计,融入时尚、人文、艺术、体验、自然等元素,通过多材料的组合与应用,带领消费者体验更多空间之美,探索多元生活的万千可能。

  Trend Hub, which means "Trend Center," is a unique "Fashion House" of Element. The gallery is arranged and designed in a way to echo with the branding objective—Be a Brand Driven by Design(BDD). An integrated design centering on user experience with an inclusion of fashion, humanity, art, experiencing, nature, etc., allows consumers to enjoy a diversely decorated space and discover infinite possibility in life via the combination and application of materials.



  Island, General Manager of Hafary Singapore (China)

  新加坡合发利(中国)总经理陈在丰在致辞中表示了他对爱力蒙特首家顶级家居体验馆TREND HUB的高度认可,同时,感谢为展厅建成付出努力的爱力蒙特的伙伴们,感谢他们这么完美地完成了这项工作。他期待这里能成为爱力蒙特传达其品牌理念的重要枢纽,把品牌所倡导的“以用户体验为中心”的产品与空间设计理念,从佛山,传达到全中国,乃至全世界,打响爱力蒙特·设计驱动型品牌的招牌。

  Island expressed his recognition to Trend Hub in his speech. He also conveyed his thanks to all Elementers who play their role in the success of this lifestyle gallery and their efforts that make what Trend Hus as it is today. He expects Trend Hub to be a crucial hub for Element to deliver its brand vision in the furtherance of increasing the presence of "user-experience-centered" product and space design concept across Foshan, China and even the world.


  随后,佛山市陶瓷行业协会秘书长尹虹博士作为协会、媒体代表,祝贺爱力蒙特未来将更加光辉灿烂,并期待TREND HUB的开业能为中国陶瓷总部的发展添砖加瓦。

  Subsequently, Dr. Yin Hong, Secretary General of Foshan Ceramic Industry Association, as a representative of the association and the media, congratulated Element on its brilliant future.



  Dr. Yin Hong, Secretary General of Foshan Ceramic Industry Association made a speech


  He expected Trend Hub to add greater value to the expansion of CCIH. Dr. Yin also stressed in his speech that BDD as advocated by Element, will be a innovative trend to guide the new normal in ceramic industry.



  Tang Jieming, General Manager of CCIH made a speech


  Tang Jieming said in her speech that CCIH is a platform and stage whose expansion requires effective management and the involvement of celebrated brand. Element is just a celebrated brand in this case. Its engagement will help empower CCIH. At the end of speech, Tang wished Element a great future and progression.


  With a forward-looking creative design, Element has set the new trend for brand development in almost every aspect like design, product, space and lifestyle. Its design-driven concept helps accelerate high-quality and high-valued development of ceramic industry while enabling a better life.



  A New Brand Image

  Debut of China Singapore Design Exchange IP


  There is always something to be anticipated in Element who innovates to seek growth opportunity in risks.


  As one of the highlights of this event, Element solemnly announced a new IP -- New Design Exchange. This program is jointly launched by Jia360.com, Hafary Sgp and Element, designed to integrate the design trends of China and Singapore through promoting cross-cultural exchanges and focusing on architectural interior design. It's a new way to add greater value to master and empower the avant-guard in the furtherance of nurturing more leading and innovative designers for design community.





  YOYO, CEO of ceramic channel of jia360.com and the presenter of shejihaowu.com


  As one of the initiators of CSDE, YOYO, said that this program connects both design elites in China and Singapore to commence the Urban Renewal operation centering on Empowering Business Monetization with Design Value as a way to optimize space structure and quality of urban cities. Charity Education programs by the name of design also enables kids to embark on the journey of esthetic enlightenment; Esthetics Salon, study tours and other exchange programs provide an accurate and sustainable path to foster avant-guard designer community and nurture new platform that rally design elites from China and Singapore. More importantly, these programs aim to introduce advanced Singaporean design ideas into China, connect Chinese design with international benchmark and continue to empower China- Singaporean designers.





  Launching ceremony of China-Singapore Design exchange

  From left onward: Doreen (Deputy G.M. of Element), Mr. Luo Lihua (Deputy G.M. &CNO of Element), Mr. Banson (Element CPO), YOYO (CEO of ceramic channel of jia360.com and the presenter of shejihaowu.com), Island (G.M. of Hafary China), Mr. Lee Shaoqiang(Deputy G.M. of Element).



  The representative of Element brand strategy center unveils the logo of China Singapore Design Exchange


  With the inauguration and the unveiling of CSDE logo, we expect CSDE to be an important platform for China-Singapore Designers who are encouraged by a design-driven mindset to connect with latest global trend and explore shared future.




  Brave The Wind And The Waves

  Towards Another Journey


  What Element has been doing since its inception is to gain momentums for robust expansion. It's innovation and pioneering spirit that make what Element is today.




  Mr.Banson (Element CPO), Island (G.M. of Hafary China), Dr. Yin Hong(Secretary General of Foshan Ceramic Industry Association), Tang Jieming(G.M. of CCIH) ,YOYO(CEO of ceramic channel of jia360.com and the presenter of shejihaowu.com), Mr. Luo Lihua (Deputy G.M. &CNO of Element), Doreen(Deputy G.M. of Element), Mr. Lee Shaoqiang(Deputy G.M. of Element) all Jointly cut the ribbon for the opening of Trend Hub.



爱力蒙特TREND HUB设计师、川禾易筑创始人兼设计总监安东和爱力蒙特国内外销售精英,共同为展厅揭牌

  Anton, designer of trend hub, founder and design director of Chuanhe Yizhu, and sales elites jointly unveiled the gallery

  伴随TREND HUB的盛大开业,未来,爱力蒙特将以中国建陶行业内首个设计驱动型品牌的践行者的身份,立足新起点,开创独属于爱力蒙特新时代高质量发展的新局面。同时,以设计之名,大力推进中新设计交流平台的构建;以公益为导向,助力城市更新建设;以设计为驱动,推动中新设计产业的发展和理念上的革新。

  With the inauguration of Trend Hub, Element will continue its pivotal role of BDD follower in Chinese ceramic industry to open a new chapter for its robust expansion in the new era and at a new starting point. The intense building of CSDE will also be consolidated by the name of design; charity-oriented programs will empower the urban renewal; BDD will innovate the development and concept of China-Singapore design industry.


