12月5日,爱力蒙特全新展厅 TREND HUB迎来首个设计师活动。在愉悦轻松的氛围下,「广职院艺术设计校友会室内艺术专委会 × 12人策展成立仪式」在一楼星剧场,正式拉开帷幕。
On December 5th, TREND HUB, the brand-new showroom by Element witnessed its designer/architect event. The opening ceremony of Interior Art Committee of Art and Design Alumni Association of Guangdong Polytechnic x 12 Curators was kicked-off in the Start Theater of TREND HUB.

Luo Lihua(G.M. of domestic sales of Element); Zhu Dekai(Distribution Director); Xiao Jiling(vice President / Associate Professor of Art Design School of Guangdong Polytechnic, Director of Foshan Industrial Design Society, Consultant of Design Committee of Foshan Sanitary Ware Association, Founder of Guangyuan Sanitary Ware Technology Co., Ltd.); Lin Wende(Chairman of Interior Art Committee of Art and Design Alumni Association of Guangdong Polytechnic, Visiting Associate Professor of Art Design Department of Guangdong Polytechnic, founder / Creative Director of HDD · Hande Design) and 30+ famous designers all gathered together for an in-depth exchange to speak for productions by excellent students and empower the progress of next-generation designers.

校企合作 携手共进
School + Enterprise For Mutual Development
Mr. Luo took the lead in giving a speech and warmly welcomed the arrival of many design masters.

爱力蒙特国内销售总经理 罗力化
Design is always fundamental to Element, a company that stays committed to BDD model in China's building ceramics industry, said Mr. Luo. Element remains its close engagement with Guangdong Polytechnic ever since its founding. As for branding strategies, it created ceramics/sintered stones comparable to those Italian brands through working with prestigious Italian design companies. Apart from that, Element actively contributes to public welfare programs to fulfill its CSR. Element is the sponsor for this opening ceremony. Mr. Luo keenly anticipated that school-enterprise connection and cooperation will provide more practicing arena for youth designers to ascend to bigger stage.

广东职业技术学院艺术设计学院副院长/副教授,佛山工业设计学会理事、佛山卫浴协会设计专委会顾问,广院卫浴科技创始人 肖机灵
Later on, Mr. Xiao conveyed his best wish to the inception of Interior Art Committee Which will drive and power the growth of ceramic industry in Foshan. He expects that alumni will increase their support to the industry, professionals training, employment and entrepreneurship in the furtherance of offering a broader platform for youth designers.

爱力蒙特销售总监 朱德开
Mr. Zhu shared with all the guests the background, brand concept and future development plan of Element, a Sino-Singapore joint-venture!

HDD·瀚德设计创始人/创意总监 林文德
伴随广职院艺术设计校友会室内艺术专委会会长、广东职业技术学院艺术设计系客座副教授、 HDD·瀚德设计创始人/创意总监林文德公布“12人策展”成员名单,一场围绕专委会的现状与未来发展建设、如何扶持优秀学生作品推广以及大学生作品奖评奖与组织等话题的交流会议在此展开。
A discussion centering on "What Is Road Ahead for Interior Art Committee", "How to Support the Productions of Outstanding Students", "Appraisal and Organization of Production by College Students” was launched right after the announcement of 12 curators by Mr. Lin.

At the end of the event, Mr. Xiao and 12 curators of Interior Art Committee participated in the launching ceremony.

Interior Art Committee is expected to build up the strength of more avant-garde youth designer/architect and empower the design community in China. More importantly, it provides strong support for the talent development in China's ceramic industry.

时尚无界 同频前行
Fashion Drives Us Forward
In an era where innovation is industry and design is fashion itself, "Creativity", "Design" and "Originality" have dominated the mainstream in China.

Facing the era of creativity economy, Element follows the trend of Chinese Design to build itself into a leading BDD in China's building ceramics industry with the dual engine of design and technology.
在变化中成长,在成长中改变,在不变中寻找涅槃之机。未来,爱力蒙特将与更多的设计师、艺术家携手前行,以不同于当下展厅的运营模式,开放TREND HUB,以海纳百川之姿,开展更多设计师活动,把艺术和诗意、自然和人文融入到产品的创新和开发。
Making progress amid changes to grow more resilient and find new opportunity. Looking forward, Element will move forward together with more designers/artists to operate TREND HUB in a creative way and diversify the designer events in the purpose of making creative products featuring the fusion of poetic art, naturalness and humanity.